I am constantly in awe of the Facebook postings by people in my "friendship circle" that contribute to this "us" versus "them" mentality. Whether it is an "We are in America so speak English" piece of trash or the completely absurd "shared" post about how "I'm an American and if you try to break in my house I will shoot you in the face with the gun that I am legally allowed to own" or, even better, the political pictures of an american flag or an eagle with text overlayed that either A.)complains about the president we have or B.)complains about the president we used to have. Can't forget one of my favorites: "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." And the majority of these ridiculous postings are from my religious "friends." I guess I shouldn't expect more. You are just as hateful as the next heathen.
Lately, the talk about involving ourselves with Syria has been especially revealing to me. So many people have posted comments about how "we should take care of our own" and "it's none of our business." Really? Whose business is it to help our fellow human beings who are experiencing inhumane acts?
We live in ONE world surrounded by fellow human beings. What about caring for people because they fit that description? Why must we separate ourselves on purpose? You speak Spanish, I speak English. Um, ok...great. How about we teach each other and then we will both know TWO languages? People are so afraid of fellow human beings that are different than themselves and it is ruining our planet.
Instead of separating yourselves from the single mother with 6 kids by belittling her and judging her situation, why don't we all just agree that trying to care for 6 children by yourself is not easy...and then help her? it doesn't matter how the situation came to be and it's not our job to judge it. It's our job to see a fellow human being suffering and try to ease the suffering. Let's try that.
We are so caught up in having our grand opinions and political parties and religions...and all they seem to do is get in the way. You're a Democrat, she's a Republican, the next door neighbor is Agnostic and you are Catholic. That is why this world is so great. Let's find what we have in common and use it to create a better world...and if the only thing you have in common is that you are human beings, start with that.